My Contax T has quickly become my favorite “pocket camera”. So much so, that when my original Contax started to act funky (my fault, because I dropped it right onto a hardwood floor), I bought another one to replace it. I am VERY happy with the size and ergonomics of it.

The one problem is that it doesn’t have filter threads. My solution has been to simply hold one of my Canonet’s 48mm filters in front of the Contax’s lens. It works fine, but it’s ever so slightly annoying. A Google search revealed that the Cokin BAD700A filter holder, originally made for compact point and shoot digital cameras, fits onto the Contax. I got one, along with a yellow filter, and it works perfectly! Since it’s not TTL metering, you have to manually adjust the ISO to compensate, but it’s a much more convenient way to use a filter with a Contax. Only problem seems to be that the filter size for this particular holder (“A” or small) isn’t Cokin’s most popular, so it’s a bit hard to find.